FRENCH AUTHOR PAVILION at Kensington's Day of the Book Festival Sunday 21 April from 11am to 4pm

On Sunday, April 21 from 11am to 4pm as part of the 17th annual
Kensington Day of the Book we are sponsoring a


Come meet French language authors living in the Washington DC area -- and discover their wonderful books - in French and in English!  

The Day of the Book is a family friendly street festival spanning three blocks of Howard Avenue in the heart of historic Kensington. Come meet authors, poets, literary and community organizations. Live music on a few stages, special guest speakers, poetry readings, cookbook demos, children’s program, and much more. Not your average book festival! Now in its 17th year, this festival offers something for everyone!

Bonjour Books DC French Pavilion

Participating Authors: 

 All participating authors' books will be available for purchase!