French Immersion Resources by Grade

Click below to find specific French Immersion resources we think you and your kids will love, including recommendations from teachers, parents and kids.

Grade 1 
Grade 2   
Grade 3   
Grade 4   
Grade 5
Grade 6-8

Popular Series & Characters/ Séries Populaires +Héros

Children's Books by Francophone Authors worldwide 

Favorite Books & Authors

Iconic Characters from French Children's Literature

In general, we recommend and try to always stock a wide range of resources, including: 

😀French language-learning learning products for kids - phrase books, picture dictionaries, introductory books are designed for beginners and can be a fun way to introduce kids to the French language!

🎵Books with sounds -- music, audiobooks, and more that introduce them to the beautiful sounds of French!

🤗French translations of their favorite books and authors. Do they know Eric Carle books or Where the Wild things Are by heart? They will intuitively understand the French words because they already know what they mean! See the list in the menu above of favorite authors and learn those wonderful stories in French!

😍Graphic Novels!  Wonderful for language learning!

🌎Non-fiction books for children --most have lots of illustrations and little bits of text that can be easily browsed.

🥰Books with their favorite characters and favorite series. Show your child that their favorite characters speak French, too!  Do they love Pokemon,  Peppa Pig,  Pete the Cat, or the Smurfs

Guess what, French speakers around the world do, too, and we work hard to make sure all your favorite friends are in stock at the store.   

📚 Books in English about French and Francophone cultur- get them excited about the places they can go and people they will be able to meet because they are learning this wonderful language! 

📕 Bilingual books -- show them stories with dual language text side by side and have fun decoding the French together

🎲 Non-book fun stuff like puzzles, games, stickers, coloring etc. Fun activities have lots of language in the context of pictures and games, and will be a fantastic support to language learning.

🧾And of course, last but not least, the old fashioned but still beloved basic tools of language-learning: dictionaries and grammar guides!