Today we welcomed a new favorite character to Bonjour Books DC:
Meet BEEP BEEP, an adorable little red car who speaks French and English and LOVES to travel! Come follow her adventures in Paris, New York and the countryside (la campagne) with her friend Chocolat, the chat gourmand named after his favorite food.
The Beep Beep books were written and illustrated by Pauline Leveque, a French journalist who lives in New York and is raising bilingual children. Text is written in both French and Anglais.
Ideal for ages 2-6, we are loving them for older readers too! The stories have much more text and are more engaging than any of the bilingual books we’ve seen—so much fun for language learners of any age!
Enjoy Pauline’s beautiful illustrations both inside the storybooks— and as fine art! We have prints on heavy paper from the original drawings adorning the walls of our new space, and they are also for sale!
Bienvenue, Beep Beep! Welcome, Beep Beep!
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