Summer FRENCH Reading Challenge
Want to help your kids keep up their French this summer?
Bonjour Books DC is here to help!
Your local French bookstore is here to support love of reading in French all year long, and in a BIG way this summer, offering:
1. Books they want to read!
At Bonjour Books our goal is to delight you and your kids with a wonderful selection of more than 3500 books for all ages and levels and budgets -- our used books start at $2.50!
From favorite characters like Les Monsieur-Madame and Mortelle Adele, to favorite authors like Claude Ponti and Mo Willems, fun activity books, games, puzzles and more - all curated to foster a love of French, are available to you and your students six days per week!
Plus we have suggested reads for each age, and cahiers de vacances for every grade level!
Discover Special Collections for KIDS:
AGE 9 AGE 10 AGE 11
Ages 0-3 Early Childhood / Eveil
Books for Preschoolers / Livres pour enfants en Maternelle (PS et MS)
Ages 4-8 Picture Books / Albums
Ages 6-8 Very Beginning Readers - Only a few words on a page
Ages 6-8 - Beginning Readers / Premieres Lectures
Ages 6-8 - Chapter Books / Premiers Romans
Ages 9-12- Middle Grade Fiction / Fiction Jeunesse
Non-Fiction / Documentaire
Kids Graphic Novels / BDs pour Enfants
Mythology, Legends & Fables
Story Collections & Fairytales / Recueils de Contes
Activity & Sticker Books / Livres d'Activités et Autocollants
2. A space that encourages reading!
Thanks to a grant from the Centre National du Livre, we have worked this past year to create a very special kids & teens room where they can come and read to their heart's content : cushions, table and chairs -- all as part of our warm welcoming environment where you can ALWAYS count on someone to practice French with!

3. Défi Lecture - French Summer Reading Challenge!
As if that weren't enough, we are giving away reading prizes for reading in French!

Brought to you by your very own local, independent French Bookstore!
Our program is an official part of the Centre National du Livre's "Partir en Livre" you can see us on the official map, the only one in the entire United States!
Read a French book, get a prize!
All Ages! Our program is an official part of the Centre National du Livre's "Partir en Livre" y--you can see us on the official map, the only one in the entire United States!
1, 2, 3, SOLEIL!
1. Come to Bonjour Books DC anytime beginning Thursday, June 1, to purchase French books (new and/or used!) and pick up a French Reading Log .
2. Read age- or reading level-appropriate books in French (you will find a BIG selection at our store!) and fill out your log as you read. Need ideas? Come to our Kensington store (get an idea of what we have in stock by browsing online!) There are LOTS of options for all ages and reading levels!
3. Complete your log and bring it into the store anytime throughout the summer (up to September 10) to earn a prize for every French book you read (up to three prizes).
You can come in after each completed book, or wait until you finish three and get all your prizes at once.
At least one book should have been purchased from Bonjour Books DC.
Prizes will include small things like pencils, games, stickers, erasers, etc.
Have Fun Reading this Summer! Amusez-vous en lecture cet été!